

注意:此页面是关于 Packer 的 HCL2 模板的。 HCL2 模板最初作为 Beta 功能被 Packer 1.5 版引入。从 v1.7 开始,HCL2 支持不再处于测试阶段,并且是编写 Packer 配置的首选方式。对于稳定的旧风格配置语言,请参阅模板文档。从 v1.6.2 开始,您可以使用 hcl2_upgrade 命令将遗留的 JSON 模板转换为 HCL2 配置文件。

post-processors 允许我们定义一组 post-processor,这些后处理器会搭配定义的 build 块的制品运行。

# builds.pkr.hcl
build {
  # ...
  post-processors {
    post-processor "shell-local" { # create an artifice.txt file containing "hello"
      inline = [ "echo hello > artifice.txt" ]
    post-processor "artifice" { # tell packer this is now the new artifact
      files = ["artifice.txt"]
    post-processor "checksum" { # checksum artifice.txt
      checksum_types = [ "md5", "sha512" ] # checksum the artifact
      keep_input_artifact = true           # keep the artifact


post-processors 块允许定义要为构建的制品运行的多个后处理器。阅读 post-processor 文档以了解如何使用后处理器。

post-processors 块与 post-processor 块的区别


# builds.pkr.hcl
build {
  # ... build image
  post-processor "checksum" { # checksum image
    checksum_types = [ "md5", "sha512" ] # checksum the artifact

  post-processor "amazon-import" { # upload image to AWS

  post-processor "googlecompute-import" { # upload image to GCP
# builds.pkr.hcl
build {
  # ... build image
  post-processors {
    post-processor "checksum" { # checksum image
      checksum_types = [ "md5", "sha512" ] # checksum the artifact

  post-processors {
    post-processor "amazon-import" { # upload image to AWS

  post-processors {
    post-processor "googlecompute-import" { # upload image to GCP

所有这些 post-processors 都将在每次构建之后启动 —— 也就是说,在每个 source 上运行完所有 provisioner 步骤之后 —— 在所有情况下,源镜像都将被删除。

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