
path-help 命令查询指定路径对应的 API 的帮助信息。 Vault 中的所有端点都提供 Markdown 格式的内置帮助。这包括系统、机密引擎和身份验证方法的路径。

帮助系统是学习如何使用 Vault 中各种系统的最简单方法,还允许我们发现新路径。

在使用 path-help 之前,了解 Vault 中的“路径”很重要。路径是用于 vault readvault write 等的参数,比方说 secret/foo 或者 aws/config/root。可用的路径取决于使用的机密引擎。因此,交互式帮助是查找可用路径不可或缺的工具。

要了解有哪些可用路径,请使用 vault path-help PATH。例如,如果您启用了 AWS 机密引擎,则可以使用 vault path-help aws 来查找该后端支持的路径。路径用正则表达式显示,这会使它们难以解析,但它们也非常精确。


获取 K/V 机密引擎的帮助信息:

$ vault path-help secret

The KV backend reads and writes arbitrary secrets to the backend.
The secrets are encrypted/decrypted by Vault: they are never stored
unencrypted in the backend and the backend never has an opportunity to
see the unencrypted value.

Leases can be set on a per-secret basis. These leases will be sent down
when that secret is read, and it is assumed that some outside process will
revoke and/or replace the secret at that path.


The following paths are supported by this backend. To view help for
any of the paths below, use the help command with any route matching
the path pattern. Note that depending on the policy of your auth token,
you may or may not be able to access certain paths.

        Pass-through secret storage to the storage backend, allowing you to
        read/write arbitrary data into secret storage.

找到感兴趣的路径后,您可以使用 vault path-help <path> 了解有关它的更多信息,其中“path”是与输出的帮助信息中的正则表达式之一匹配的路径。



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